Inspiring Daily Life Coaching Program
A curated collection of my most favorite, most viral, most life-changing social media videos. Sent to you (one per day) with a corresponding exercise that will help you stick to your mental diet & stop getting tripped up in your current 3D so you can finally manifest the reality you want in less than 3 minutes daily!
Listen while you brush your teeth every morning.
Complete a quick written exercise over coffee.
And watch your whole life change in just a few minutes a day.
Only $14.99/month
At this point in my life, anything that can save me time by giving me a step-by-step path to the results I want…
Versus being all over the place trying to figure it out myself…
Is something I am SERIOUSLY interested in.
Which got me thinking about you, babe.
(You, and the other—roughly—115,000 women who follow me on one platform or another.)
You see, social media is awesome.
I love it, and I know my followers love it too.
And also… sometimes I am CRAVING a well-paved path.
Instead of random tidbits of information.
(Which is what social media is, right?)
Sometimes I CRAVE having someone who’s several steps ahead of me in love, in business, in physical glow-ups, etc…
Simply look back at how they got there and map out the path for me.
So that I can know I’m on the right track.
So that I can take one step at a time.
The right steps.
In the right order.
So, that’s what I decided to create for you, love.
I personally sifted through the thousands of social media videos that I’ve created over the years and hand-selected the most viral, most impactful, most transformative ones.
Not only that, I put them in a very specific order AND created an assignment to go with each one.
To help you go from understanding my teachings intellectually to LIVING them so that they actually change your fucking life.
This is a curated path for you to go from wherever you are now…
To wherever you want to be…
In just a few minutes a day.
With one crazy quick daily video & a written exercise to help you implement—sent to you every morning.
This will keep you focused.
This will keep you on your mental diet.
This will keep you living in the end.
This will keep you manifesting what you want every day.
365 Days to a New Reality will change your whole fucking life.
It’s the simplest & most affordable way to experience curated support from me.
I can’t wait for you to experience the life-changing magic of daily digital coaching!
Keep reading for all the details on how it works and the CRAZY AFFORDABLE rate that will make you want to join right fucking now…
Kim Velez
Manifestation Expert
Conscious Life & Success Coach
If You Think, “Oh Shit, That’s Me” When Reading ANY Of The Following…
I Created This Experience Just For You, Babe!
You LOVE watching, reading, listening, and consuming, consuming, consuming content, but you haven’t been PAUSING and APPLYING what you learn to your life. You need some help breaking the habit of just binging content without taking the time to actually make the intentional changes in your life that you want to make.
You keep manifesting shit that you really, really, REALLY don’t want. Being abandoned, ghosted, heartbroken, alone, mistreated, disrespected, and/or calling in a new SP only to have them ignore you and put you down like all the others.
You can’t seem to HELP yourself when you react to your current 3D. Seeing your SP with another person on Instagram feels like your whole world has ended. Like someone has literally shattered your insides and you are a puddle on the floor. You have pains in your chest. You want to curl up in a ball and cry for days. You want to scream and break things. You have NO IDEA how you could possibly reaffirm the reality you want when you’re feeling this much pain.
You feel like life keeps happening TO YOU. You don’t feel in charge or in control AT ALL. It seems like every time you make plans for your life (when you’ll be back with your SP, when you’ll be married, when you’ll get pregnant, when you’ll move to a different city)… the Universe throws a big fucking wrecking ball through your plans and you can’t seem to get a grip. You certainly don’t feel like the operant power of your own life.
That May Be Where You’re At Now, But I’m Going To Help You Create A Whole New (Fucking Magical) Reality In Just A Few Minutes A Day!
With My Affordable 365 Days To A New Reality Membership, You Will FINALLY…
Chill the fuck out. Slow down your monkey mind chatter. Get grounded and calm enough to decide what you want to change about your life, how you’re going to do it, and then actually start CREATING the reality you want.
Sort out the childhood wounds and shitty beliefs that have you repeating patterns & sticky programming that creates YOUR heartbreak. And take full responsibility for the reality you’ve created now (as unfavorable as it may be). Because when you’re the problem, you’re also the solution, babe.
Become rock fucking solid in your safety and security and BELIEF that you ARE creating the reality you want. There isn’t one fucking thing that will rattle your belief. Your SP starts dating someone new? Doesn’t matter. You reaffirm. They ignore your text? Doesn’t matter. You reaffirm. You see on Instagram that they got a job offer in another state (And now you’ll never have a chance in hell of getting back together)? Doesn’t matter. You reaffirm! NOTHING throws you off your game.
Stay on your mental diet for long enough to ACTUALLY manifest the exact reality you want. And I mean the exact fucking thing you’ve been dreaming of. You prove to yourself that you ARE the operant power because you envisioned your SP knocking on your front door 3 times and opening it to see them wearing a blue shirt with a bouquet of white calla lilies wrapped in brown paper… And THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED. You no longer see life as a series of things that happen TO YOU. You know you are CREATING every experience that unfolds.
Only $14.99/month
Here’s What You Get When You Join Today…
One Curated Daily Digital Coaching Video Per Day
This is WAY DIFFERENT than following me on TikTok, babe.
Because I have hand-selected the videos that will be sent to you AND the order I know you need to watch them. To go from where you are now… to creating ANY reality you want in just a few minutes a day.
Getting only ONE video a day will force you to slow down.
Force you to think about the teaching you just watched. And how it applies to your life.
What slight shifts you need to make. And the breakthroughs you can create by going DEEP on one topic.
Instead of zipping right through to the next video—binging hours of TikTok or YouTube videos at a time—DESPERATELY searching for some peace & relief from your broken heart…
And never actually doing the present awareness work that it takes to FEEL better AND change your whole fucking reality.
(Manifesting the very BEST version of your specific person back.)
Here’s how it works…
Every morning, at 8am, you’ll get an email from me with your daily digital coaching.
One quick video (usually just 1 minute long)—that you can watch right there in the email.
You can listen while you brush your teeth in the morning and let your mind ponder the lesson for the next 24 hours.
Build this TEENY 1- to 3-minute habit and you will blow your own mind with what you’re able to manifest.
These will be the most powerful few minutes of your day!
Ooooh, girl, this is where the REAL magic happens. (And this is something that ISN’T available on my TikTok, YouTube—or anywhere else.)
Each day, you’ll be sent a short video lesson, but you’ll also get a very quick written exercise to complete to take the teaching even further.
My suggestion is to watch the video in the morning…
Let it really sink into your consciousness throughout the day…
And then at night, use the written exercise to reflect and cement the day’s lesson.
It may be a quick journal prompt, an affirmation to rewrite, or a deep dive question for you to answer.
Either way, this exercise will build on your habit of actually applying these teachings to your life.
Repeating this tiny daily habit will have you saying, “HOLY SHIFT!”
“I feel lighter. I feel more confident. I feel more powerful. I feel more grounded. I feel more hopeful. I feel more capable.”
You’ll start to notice the 3D conforming to your major fucking internal shifts.
One tiny sign at a time. One day at a time.
Baby step by baby step.
Until you’ve shifted enough that you create a whole new fucking reality.
It takes just minutes a day when you have the guidance of my specially chosen daily video + exercise in this membership program.
Like A Monthly Netflix Subscription…
The Reality You Desperately Want
(And It’s Actually MORE Affordable!)
These days, we ALL love our subscription services.
Apple TV
Disney +
YouTube TV
Amazon Prime
You may pay every month to have different makeup and skin care products delivered.
Or razors. Or custom shampoo & conditioner with your name on the bottle.
You might subscribe to meal kits or a CSA through your local farmers association.
How about FabFitFun?!
I could go on and on.
My point is this… we LOVE subscriptions. They’re amazing.
Because the stuff we want and need just SHOWS UP for us.
Straight on our phone, TV, or iPad.
Straight on our doorstep.
Right when we need it. Without any work or effort on our part.
And yet, these services I mentioned above don’t also help you shift your entire reality to a life you’ve been fucking DREAMING of.
Netflix is awesome. It’ll never help you manifest your SP back, though.
Netflix won’t help you develop Queen Goddess confidence.
And become a fucking irresistible magnet that turns heads when you walk in the room.
It doesn’t help you feel TRULY safe & secure when your current 3D is thrown in your face.
(It simply distracts you from reality for a while—while you tune out your thoughts.)
Here’s why I mention this, love.
You can subscribe to my 365 Days To A New Reality membership and not ONLY will you enjoy the benefits of…
> Being entertained daily with my quick videos.
> And having an activity to help you relax at night with my written exercises.
But you’ll also be making serious fucking internal shifts that the 3D can’t HELP but conform to.
You’ll actually be changing your whole fucking life!
In 365 days of watching Netflix, NOTHING will be different about your life.
In 365 days with my daily guidance, you’ll feel like you’ve become the woman you were always meant to be.
Now THAT’S a subscription service worth its “weight” in GOLD!
(Certainly more than just $14.99! You can’t even get the standard plan on Netflix for that!)
Only $14.99/month
You’ve Got Questions… I’ve Got Answers:
Can’t I just watch your TikTok and YouTube videos on my own?
Of course you can, babe.
But how likely is it that you’re going to simply watch ONE video and then pause for a day as you apply the lesson to your life?
… versus just binging a bunch of videos at once. And then moving on to watching a bunch of different people do the “Fancy Like” dance.
And then watch cooking hacks. And today’s latest social media challenge. Plus a couple of prank videos for good measure.
Binging my content (or anyone’s content) ISN’T what changes your life.
But binging content is what MOST women do when they’re fucking triggered and heartbroken and looking for some relief from their gut-wrenching pain.
Repeat after me: The ONLY thing that will give you peace and get your SP back is APPLYING the content. NOT watching it!
That’s why I created this membership. To help give you the structure & guidance to go from where you are now to manifesting ANY fucking reality you want.
In just a few minutes a day.
Does this come with live access to Kim?
It does not. And I want to make sure that’s clear.
When I was still offering 1:1 private coaching, I charged $335/hour.
Now, I don’t even offer private coaching anymore because I couldn’t keep up with the requests.
The only way to get live access with me is to invest in one of my group programs or workshops.
This 365 Days to a New Reality membership is the single MOST affordable way to get daily digital coaching from me…
In the form of a hand-selected short video lesson & written exercise every day.
There won’t be a place to submit questions or access me live, which is how I am able to offer it so affordably so that it’s accessible to everyone who wants to apply the Law of Assumption in their life with me.
It’s like DIY coaching. Without the 1:1 coaching price tag. Or even the group coaching price tag.
Do I have to commit to a whole year?
You don’t HAVE to. There are no contracts and no obligation to stay beyond 30 days.
This is a month-to-month membership, and you can cancel at any time.
(Kind of like a gym membership—except we won’t hassle you when you are ready to leave.)
I do recommend that you make a personal commitment to yourself to do this for a year.
Or at least as long as it takes to manifest the reality you want. (Otherwise, what’s the point, right?)
What kinds of things will this membership help me manifest?
Great question! As you know, my teachings are primarily focused on manifesting your Specific Person.
A wildly fun, loving, respectful, and romantic love in your life.
Confidence that your current self doesn’t even believe is fucking possible for you to feel.
Safety & healing from childhood wounds.
I’ve helped thousands of women manifest raises at work.
Bonus checks out of nowhere.
Literal checks in the mail from family or friends.
Their exact dream body weight.
Or waist size.
A new home that they’ve been dreaming of.
A friendship that means EVERYTHING to them.
And so, SO much more.
Pick a reality that you want to create, and the process for manifesting it will be the same no matter what.
Big or small.
Money or beauty.
Love or health.
It doesn’t matter.
I will show you that YOU are the operant power of your life, and you can make fucking ANYTHING happen!
How does it work?
It’s really simple, babe.
Every morning at 8 am, you’ll get an email from me with the quick digital coaching video & written exercise.
You don’t need a TikTok account.
You don’t need a YouTube account.
You don’t need any kind of account.
If you know how to watch a video that gets sent to you on your phone, you can change your life in just minutes a day with this membership.
Only $14.99/month
Can I Get Real With You For A Second, Babe?
I want you to take just one moment. Breathe in. Breathe out. And let this really sink in.
Nothing about your life is gonna change until you do.
Your SP isn’t gonna change unless you do.
They aren’t gonna commit unless YOU reprogram the patterns that are creating the reality where they keep fucking abandoning you.
They aren’t going to treat you with admiration, love, and respect unless YOU change how you treat yourself and how you LET others treat you.
They aren’t gonna call you up and say, “I’ve packed your bags. I’ve called your boss and gotten the time off work. I’ve told your family. Uber to the airport. We’re going on vacation and you’ll find out where when you get here.”
Unless YOU believe that you DESERVE that experience. And you create it in your mind first.
Your job isn’t going to change. Your finances aren’t going to change. Your body & appearance are not going to change…
Until YOU do.
Consuming a bunch of content is great. It can help open your mind to what’s possible.
But you can’t just binge-watch a bunch of 59-second videos and expect your life to change.
You gotta let it sink in. You gotta apply it to your life.
You gotta slow down enough to ponder.
You gotta create & stick to your mental diet.
You gotta make those tiny, daily internal shifts.
Day after day.
Until your whole fucking reality catches up.
Until your SP actually makes that phone call about your surprise vacation.
Until they actually say the words, “I choose you and no one else.”
Or until you meet a NEW SP who checks every fucking box.
Down to the tiniest detail.
Whatever YOU want… You can create it.
But YOU gotta do the work.
My 365 Days To A New Reality membership will help give you the structure and container to do just that.
In only minutes a day.
At the single most AFFORDABLE rate possible.
You can do this.
I’ll give you the guidance you need to simply take it one baby step at a time.
I can send you the first video tomorrow morning. You just gotta join today.
Kim Velez
Manifestation Expert
Conscious Life & Success Coach
Only $14.99/month